Just listen: Top 10 Permaculture Podcasts in 2019

One of the greatest contributions the internet has made to our society is giving us the ability to access information on any topic, from anywhere, at any time. Information that previously relied upon an experienced writer, an agreeable publisher, and a customer with a wallet, to get out in the world; is now unshackled and can be distributed globally at the click of a button.
Combine the internet with the technological tools to produce any media we like from the comfort of our own homes, and literally anything you wish to learn is available online; in any format.
One of my favourite ways to further my own education is through podcasts. I love to learn through listening. So popping on a podcast while I’m out in the garden and learning about anything from mushroom farming to economic modelling is my idea of wonderful.
But with so many podcasts out there it can be hard to know where to start. So here’s my pick of the best permaculture podcasts for 2019.
scott man permaculture podcast
1. The Permaculture Podcast
One of the most dedicated permaculture podcasters is Scott Mann from The Permaculture Podcast. If there’s anyone to be interviewed, or a topic to be covered, chances are Scott has done so. Producing since 2010, the Permaculture Podcast has over 1800 episodes. That’s a whopping number! I guarantee you will find something to inspire you.
Pip Permaculture Magazine
2. Pip Permaculture Podcast
Pip Magazine is the official magazine of Permaculture Australia and they have an ace little podcast to go with the mag. Hannah Maloney’s intro to permaculture episode is part of my resource kit for my Business Coaching service and it’s an excellent primer if you’re new to permaculture. There’s also an episode with Su Dennet, Kirsten Bradley and Meg Ulman; three of my favourite local permies. Listen to that episode and get why I moved to Hepburn Shire.
making permaculture stronger tree logo
3. Making Permaculture Stronger Podcast
If, like me, you get really excited about the big picture potentials of permaculture design then I suggest you start here. Making Permaculture Stronger is the podcast by Dan Palmer – permaculture nerd and one of my favourite permaculture teachers. There’s some seriously interesting conversations throughout these episodes. I highly recommend the interviews with Dave Jacke. They’re a crazy ride but well worth a few listens.
4. The Sow Edible Podcast
The Sow Edible family are one of the cutest families you’ll ever meet. Two grandparents, two parents, three kids and a little collection of animals, their podcast documents their journey of setting up and running a permaculture designed homestead. If you’re interested in knowing what it takes to run a farm with as small a footprint as possible, don’t go past this one.
hungry gardner podcast logo
5. The Hungry Gardener Podcast
Yet another Australian produced podcast, gosh there’s some talent here isn’t there! This podcast isn’t specifically a permaculture podcast but focussed on all things sustainable food production, so naturally there’s a fair few permies in the mix. It appears that there is only 20 episodes, but I reckon if lots of people keep listening, we might be able to convince Fabian to produce some more.
Jill Cloutier\
6. Sustainable World Radio
Interested in looking at permaculture from a global perspective? Go no further. The Sustainable World Radio is a treasure trove of people and ideas from around the world including some of the biggest names in regenerative agriculture. But there’s plenty of inspiration to be found from some of the lesser known folk too. That’s what I really like about this podcast is finding people I would never otherwise have heard about!
7. Farmerama Radio
Farmerama doesn’t just have the coolest podcast name but it’s also an absolute treasure of information and inspiration.The focus of this podcast is farming but the conversation topics covered are far wider than than as the farmerama crew deeply understand how much farming touches all aspects of our lives. This is one of my favourites when I’m out in the garden.
Sam Sycamore
9. The Good Life Revival
There is something a bit special about The Good Life Revival podcast. Sam Sycamore is more than an interesting guy on some pretty interesting adventures. He’s also an incredible story teller. If you’re interested in listening to really well crafted podcasts, start with this one. This podcast covers some pretty big picture topics and dives deeply into the ‘why’s’ as much as the ‘how’s’. Dig it.
Becky Ellis
10. Permaculture for the People
One of the newest podcasts to the permaculture stable, Permaculture for the People is the most radical of this bunch. For those of us who have come to permaculture from an activist background, it can be a bit of a frustrating space to operate when the power structures that operate within spaces get ignored. There’s a lot of people out there who think permaculture is about gardening and that’s it. Of course that’s not even the slightest bit true. So if you’re keen to get some decent political analysis in your earbuds, this one’s for you.